Discovering Treasures in 2014.( Part one) ” I have a purpose”

I know the first thought that came to mind must be, well don’t we all have a purpose?
Well to answer your question, yes actually we all do, but see, I have heard that constantly for years since coming to know the Lord as savior but it was only recently as I was reading the passage in Jer.18 vs 1-6,a passage, yes which I had read before but it was only this time that as I went through the process of a Porter making clay that I discovered the hidden treasure,”I have a purpose”.
As I went through the process, step by step,I realised that we too go through a process and I learnt that God is the porter and I am the clay, that piece of mud,(me), really which is of no significance until the porter,God, decided to make something with me and yes, I go through a process,whether it is through trials, temptations, or whatever it is,but the process is there. I went through these processes, I discovered that the final product is not done yet and that God has in mind exactly what he wants me to look like and what he wants to use me for just like an earthly porter in making a vessel, this earthly porter knows that you know what, I’m going to make it into a vase to hold water, and that’s what I will use it for, just the same as God the porter makes us into a vessel he knows what he wants us to be used for, whether it is to encourage someone, or preach,whatever it is, we as the clay doesn’t yet know our purpose,sometimes, but he does.
I learnt and discovered that the trials, temptations, hardships, which really disfigure us sometimes, you know because we cry through them, and sometimes are in so much pain over.I discovered, really I stumbled upon this actually,that though I may get disfigured,God in his wisdom can remodel me, reshape me, after all he is the maker,the Porter,and not just that but he can give me a new purpose as well. Take for example a seamstress, gets yards of cloth, curts it and sews them together(the process) and makes a dress, might be for a formal function but along the way like us, perhaps by accident,or who knows, a change of mind,that dress gets damaged, she(the seamstress),with her skills, doesn’t throw away the dress but quickly makes some adjustments and uses it, might not be for the same purpose but uses it never the less, whether for the same purpose or another occasion but the point here is that it still serves a purpose.
God is not done with you yet and your purpose remains, will you allow him to lead you into it because really if that vessel, the vase the porter made was just there picking up dust, it was not being what it was created to do, don’t let that be you today,don’t be picking up dust, discover your purpose today.

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